What to Expect
We strive for a seamless experience through your ambulatory surgery center procedure at Jackson Surgery Center.
Before Your Procedure
Beginning with your referral to Jackson Surgery Center, our goal is to clearly communicate what you can anticipate in our excellent care.
When we are notified that your procedure is scheduled at Jackson Surgery Center our pre-registration nurse will contact you to obtain:
- necessary health information
- answer any questions you may have about your visit
- review typical expectations about your particular surgical or non-surgical procedure.
During Your Procedure
A warm welcome awaits you at our front desk where you will begin the registration process for your procedure.
Once the necessary documentation is completed, you will be called back to a pre-procedure area. This area is designed as a private temporary holding location so we prefer to have only 1 representative remain in the area with you while you wait.
A complete pre-procedure health and safety checklist by your anesthesia and medical care team will take place in this area. You next will be transferred to a suite for your procedure. At this time your representatives return to the lobby waiting area or sit outside at the patio tables and benches.
When your procedure is complete we will notify your representatives of your recovery room status and welcome them to a bedside visit. This area is also designed for privacy and patient safety so 1 representative is permitted to remain in this area while we are assessing your post procedure recovery.
The physician will meet with you in a private conference area to review the procedure and recovery expectations.
Discharge instructions will be reviewed with your primary representative. If possible, follow up appointments needed with your primary physician will be arranged however you may need to have your representative arrange the follow up appointments.
After Your Procedure
An advantage of choosing Jackson Surgery Center’s convenient location for your outpatient procedure is the opportunity to recover in the comfort of your own home surrounded by those you love.
Once you are home and settled our registered nurses will check on you within 2 days.
When you choose Jackson Surgery Center, your experience with our same day surgery center will be safe, convenient, clearly communicated, warm, and welcoming.
Thank you for choosing Jackson Surgery Center.
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